National Gallery Singapore

Working with the National Gallery of Art in Singapore we created a premier world class museum for this nation state. The institute focuses on South­east Asian art, includ­ing Singa­porean art, from the 19th cen­tury to today.
Services Provided
Interpretative signage is throughout the space
Elegant signage guides visitors through the gallery spaces.
In the center of the space is an interpretative timeline.
A curved physical timeline acts as an interpretive anchor for the center of the museum.

Through a com­pre­hens­ive col­lec­tion the Gal­leries present the devel­op­ment of Singa­pore and regional cul­tures and tells the story of their social, eco­nomic and political histories.

The social art table enables all visitors to explore the collection with depth and clarity.
children's gallery
An amazing children’s gallery engages the younger visitors in a world of art and exploration.
Layout and clarity of interpretive information defines the intention behind each gallery space.



Pico Art International PTE LTD

Revez Motion
Software Developer

Showcase Developer
